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Old 03-02-2025, 07:57 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Aiyoh, angbao and all the fond memories of last year. My sweety Yinzhi always got $50 from me. On her last night here she got $200.
I am grateful to Yingzhi (1820-2024 for being the wife I never had) Molly (2022 frenching & squirting) XN (1669-2019 So Much) Yuan Yuan (1649-2018 My turnaround) Ke Ke (2062-2017 Heart-Touching Frenching) Mina (1805-2016 Our Relationship) Ke Ke (1651-2014 Your Golden Pedicure) and every1 else
Old 03-02-2025, 10:29 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

this season can see many bragging on Wechat on their customer angbaos, quite a number of ladies show off that receive $888 or $1000+ e-angbaos from their cai shen customers.. So many rich men in SG.
Old 03-02-2025, 10:46 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

During this season, i can see Thai , VN and CN WL flexing on the angpao they receive with pictures posting and smiling from ear to ear.... some bros really 舍得, the amount is hundreds and a rare few even put 888, i respect them.... poor chap like me can only just watch.... anyway its CNY, rare opportunity for WL to openly ask for incentives...
Old 03-02-2025, 11:53 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

All these big customers what do they do with the WL when bring them out during their period leave?
Old 03-02-2025, 11:58 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Why people so rich can give them so much money? Rich simps leh seriously. Give abit can liao why must pour money onto them? Times up they also go home. Sigh
Old 04-02-2025, 08:06 AM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

There are pros and cons getting KCed

You get super GFE
Can go for date
Can be emotional support if you are lonely

If you play along the KC game , you can’t take other girls from same
Even if you take other girls in same house while your KC girl is off to work, the wl will later inform your KC girl

This KC game is very dangerous if you are weak by heart , if you can play emotionally and later can move on than it’s for you else you will be heartbroken. Usually WL play along this KC game to get some emotional support to balance their life until they are here.Once they RTC they moveon easily.
Old 04-02-2025, 08:08 AM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

How to try another girl same house ,while not breaking the link with your KC girl ? Any tips 😃
Old 04-02-2025, 09:27 AM
galaxyass galaxyass is offline
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Flyingdisc View Post
How to try another girl same house ,while not breaking the link with your KC girl ? Any tips 😃
Normally u ask ur KCed girl first and if she is ok, do a sandwich for a start and later move on to rotate them.... important is the other girl must be in gd terms with ur girl... else u will kena blacklisted from both...
Old 04-02-2025, 10:47 AM
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Talking Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by galaxyass View Post
Normally u ask ur KCed girl first and if she is ok, do a sandwich for a start and later move on to rotate them.... important is the other girl must be in gd terms with ur girl... else u will kena blacklisted from both...
Last time got outcall easy to play around

Now all fishtank LL suck thumb

Damn hard to balance girls under one roof
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 04-02-2025, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Flyingdisc View Post
There are pros and cons getting KCed

You get super GFE
Can go for date
Can be emotional support if you are lonely

If you play along the KC game , you can’t take other girls from same
Even if you take other girls in same house while your KC girl is off to work, the wl will later inform your KC girl

This KC game is very dangerous if you are weak by heart , if you can play emotionally and later can move on than it’s for you else you will be heartbroken. Usually WL play along this KC game to get some emotional support to balance their life until they are here.Once they RTC they moveon easily.
Experienced bro, where are the places to go with WL during her break?

Not going to be a Robert so no expensive restaurants or luxury goods shopping. Any ideas to spend time as friends?
Old 04-02-2025, 11:03 AM
galaxyass galaxyass is offline
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by electronics View Post
Experienced bro, where are the places to go with WL during her break?

Not going to be a Robert so no expensive restaurants or luxury goods shopping. Any ideas to spend time as friends?
Book a hotel room and spend time with her and f her brains out.... but the hotel you choose must be able to bring girls in without checking in.... day time normally quite safe...
Old 04-02-2025, 12:40 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Flyingdisc View Post
How to try another girl same house ,while not breaking the link with your KC girl ? Any tips ��
I assume you are refering to PRC WLs.

You should not have any KC girl in the first place. Whores are for farking not loving. WLs are meant to make you relax and relief stress mentally and physically, not to add additional stress to your life.

The problem starts when you have simp them earlier before to play with their 心态 getting into the current KC state which you can only blame yourself. You can't have the cake and eat it too to have a KC girl and yet don't expect her to get jealous with repercussions.

You just have to tactfully clarify with her to break the KC link so that you are free to choose any girl you want. I am sure all these WLs (PRCs or otherwise) will understand and you'll be surprised.

The only problem I suspect is, you are still not willing to let her go without getting into KCT, LOL. Cuz once they smelled blood that you have become their 添狗 simp, of course they will not let go and will give you hell with all kinds of pattern as mentioned before.

WLs are free to fark any customers they want, why should you do likewise? Siao.


Fun fact is, there are ZERO PRC WLs worth having a KC to begin with as either they are lowly educated from remote villages who 配不上你 or even those who are more educated (some even have a degree) but with a stunning pretty face, killer figure with max GFE, appearing to show ultra-femineity, kindheartedness, innocence and submissiveness are the most dangerous and will tend to appear like an angel initially here catching you totally off-guard.

But a devil will always appear like an angel. Once you get to know them more, you'll soon find out that they are 绿茶妖 in disguise who come with a dark side and a deep character flaw which they must hide at all costs once they come here in order not to rouse any suspicion. They also tend to 故弄玄虚 and act mysterious to lure you in and once things turn sour esp. when you discover their foxtail will 翻脸比翻书还快, LOL.
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For these higher quality PRC WLs, don't be fooled by their sob stories appearing as victims e.g. husband get into gambling debts & divorced, parents in hospital need urgent medical fees, SMLJ get into accident sued by relatives la etc. So all are likely ranjiao BS and nothing to do with what really happened in reality.

Moreover, PRC is not a banana republic but a thriving powerful nation with many opportunities or social welfare programs to help those in financial hardships or need medical assistance. So all these issues can be always settled back home using all kinds of resources and assistance available, which begs the question, then why are they here?

For all you know they are the perpetrators whom have committed all kinds of heinous immoral acts back home with a 不可告人的秘密 and now are getting their retribution 咎由自取 因果报应 . It's like a second chance to reset and redeem themselves but a leopard will never change its spots. Else, who the fark and which prim and proper chiobu with a good character and well-educated, no matter what kind of hardship they face back home are willing and need to come all the way here to become a Cheekon which is so humiliating? Siao.

Whores must always remain at FBs or the most at 爱妃 level with fun and laughter, this is when you can extract the maximum satisfaction without stress with a smiling face to have a good night sleep.
Latest FR (Upz me if you like): L2033 TT/XiaoMi - L2033 Ying Tao - L2058 Coco/Tina/Toto
Recent FR: WH04 XingXing, L1608 LeLe, WH04 KK, L2045 Yumi/XY, L1608 JJ & Sasa, L2045 TT, L1608 Wawa, L1608 (LL), L1658A (3 girls), Duo Duo (WH04, L2045)

Last edited by Topper; 07-02-2025 at 01:25 AM.
Old 04-02-2025, 03:52 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Think getting KCed hard, partly due to ownself RTF one WL so many times. Great chemistry in the room.

Try not to text her too much so as not to fall deeper into this, but she will reply quite fast sometimes but other times take super long like >6 hours or even 1-2 days. The convo is really short and surface level, nothing much, I also put in zero effort but nice to receive replies

Normal for WL to do this?
Old 04-02-2025, 04:24 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Topper View Post
I assume you are refering to PRC WLs.

You should not have any KC girl in the first place. Whores are for farking not loving. WLs are meant to make you relax and relief stress mentally and physically, not to add additional stress to your life.

The problem starts when you have simp them earlier before to play with their 心态 getting into the current KC state which you can only blame yourself. You can't have the cake and eat it too to have a KC girl and yet don't expect her to get jealous with repercussions.

You just have to tactfully clarify with her to break the KC link so that you are free to choose any girl you want. I am sure all these WLs (PRCs or otherwise) will understand and you'll be surprised.

The only problem I suspect is, you are still not willing to let her go without getting into KCT, LOL. Cuz once they smelled blood that you have become their 添狗 simp, of course they will not let go and will give you hell with all kinds of pattern as mentioned before.

WLs are free to fark any customers they want, why should you do likewise? Siao.


Fun fact is, there are ZERO PRC WLs worth having a KC to begin with as either they are lowly educated from remote villages who 配不上你 or even those who are more educated (some even have a degree) but with a stunning pretty face and killer figure with max GFE and submissiveness are the most dangerous and will tend to appear like an angel initially here catching you totally off-guard.

But a devil will always appear like an angel. Once you get to know them more, you'll soon find out that all come with a dark side and a deep character flaw which they must hide at all costs once they come here in order not to rouse any suspicion. They also tend to 故弄玄虚 and act mysterious to lure you in and once things turn sour will 翻脸比翻书还快, LOL.

For these higher quality PRC WLs, don't be fooled by their sob stories appearing as victims e.g. husband get into gambling debts & divorced, parents in hospital need urgent medical fees, SMLJ get into accident sued by relatives la etc. So all are likely ranjiao BS and nothing to do with what really happened in reality.

Moreover, PRC is not a banana republic but a thriving powerful nation with many opportunities or social welfare programs to help those in financial hardships or need medical assistance. So all these issues can be always settled back home using all kinds of resources and assistance available, which begs the question, then why are they here?

For all you know they are the perpetrators whom have committed all kinds of heinous immoral acts back home with a 不可告人的秘密 and now are getting their retribution 咎由自取 因果报应 . It's like a second chance to reset and redeem themselves but a leopard will never change its spots. Else, who the fark and which prim and proper chiobu with a good character and well-educated, no matter what kind of hardship they face back home are willing and need to come all the way here to become a Cheekon which is so humiliating? Siao.

Whores must always remain at FBs or the most at 爱妃 level with fun and laughter, this is when you can extract the maximum satisfaction without stress with a smiling face to have a good night sleep.
Agreed, I have heard so many stories from FLs with the same pattern, these are just a fake image they want to show you. Most of them got multiple WeChat accounts, one for work, one for their personal life, if you look into their personal account, you will find their life are full of showing off and spending money like no one’s business. Even so their stories are true, there is nothing you can do. Since the price has been set at beginning, better be that way. You get what you paid for, it’s fair to everyone.

I remember their is a poem making joke on these KC things:

Old 04-02-2025, 04:30 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by monastic View Post
Think getting KCed hard, partly due to ownself RTF one WL so many times. Great chemistry in the room.

Try not to text her too much so as not to fall deeper into this, but she will reply quite fast sometimes but other times take super long like >6 hours or even 1-2 days. The convo is really short and surface level, nothing much, I also put in zero effort but nice to receive replies

Normal for WL to do this?
If they reply you fast fast constantly means in her eyes you are simp potential. Especially if you RTF multiple times and always reply her fast fast too. If reply slow then count yourself lucky that she have other targets to KC liao. You will be even luckier if she reply sometime fast sometime slow means got a few target to choose from so you might be still be under her radar.

Best strategy for you is be like them, keep some spare changes. If your heart weak to KC then dun play the game. If you know what you doing, have some girls to talk to. Change around. Like you say, it is always nice to have replies. Even nicer to have multiple replies.

I get multiple contacts not only to talk but to check when they off day. If off day i find other girls in the same house to try. When feel like RTF then RTF. Change around houses also. If they find out then find out lor, at most blacklist them. Still got other houses also. Overall just be smart. They very smart also.
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