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Old 14-02-2024, 12:03 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
errr oil or calligraphy huh DaiGor

Happy Valentine’s New Year
Modern art painting Happy valentine day bro... today visit wl must buy flowers anot haha
Old 14-02-2024, 01:48 PM
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Talking Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by SadLoser View Post
Modern art painting Happy valentine day bro... today visit wl must buy flowers anot haha
Draw a rose on her butt will do
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 14-02-2024, 01:50 PM
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Talking Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Let’s make love and Huat Ah
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 14-02-2024, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by sicknasty View Post
My eyes were opened today when I went to the 200 house, I was hard rock since shower till the end.

I really love the soapy bed experience, which house offered this without sex? Just edging and rubbing
You could request for a no sex service once inside the room, and I believe the WL would comply happily.

But at least should finish it with a HJ, for happy ending. 😆
Old 16-02-2024, 05:59 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

While GL is a cure for lack of sex it is not a cure for loneliness. I sometimes wish I had a fuck buddy.
I am grateful to Yingzhi (1820-2024 for being the wife I never had) Molly (2022 frenching & squirting) XN (1669-2019 So Much) Yuan Yuan (1649-2018 My turnaround) Ke Ke (2062-2017 Heart-Touching Frenching) Mina (1805-2016 Our Relationship) Ke Ke (1651-2014 Your Golden Pedicure) and every1 else
Old 16-02-2024, 09:07 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by Dignified69 View Post
While GL is a cure for lack of sex it is not a cure for loneliness. I sometimes wish I had a fuck buddy.
Can't find companionship and heart in GL though
Not into and no time for the pts exchange game so please don't up me and expect a return really no time.
Old 17-02-2024, 03:11 AM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang



一进屋,靠在吧台的长发白肤美女深深的吸引了我。穿了一副性感迷人的衣服,露出她那修长的长腿,我吞了吞口 水,向老板要了她。

门关上后,我们小聊了一下,就开始戏水鸳鸯。我每寸肌肤都有她的痕迹,我也不甘示弱,把她那副好身材也摸了 一遍。可以肯定她有经常运动,很有弹性。

我的人怕痒,就直接叫她帮我吹。她瞬间从一个天真可爱的大学生转变成了小骚货。软软的舌头在我那里上下舔, 舔出了节奏感。下一秒像吃棒棒糖似的含在嘴里不放。我不叫停,她似乎都不舍得停下!

没过多久我就受不了,她爬到我身上,像猎人看到猎物似的笑。下一秒,双剑合璧,我们双方都发出天籁般的吟声 。她像个经验丰富的骑射手在我身上表演。没过多久,我抱起她,也让她见识见识我的男子气概。阴阳之间的碰撞 越来越激烈,她叫得越来越灿烂,终于让我释放了。

Old 17-02-2024, 06:19 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Compilation from bros 17th February 2024

The safest place to fuck is in Geylang. Fuck with peace and joy, no AV raid.

Nobody is perfect, No WL is perfect. This is a summary of the WLs, for all to reference and try, and ENJOY THE FUCK experience

Lorong 14 House 31 -- Eight PRC (Siqi, Pao Pao, Keke, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Mi, Dong Dong, Duo Duo, Bei Bei)
Lorong 16 House 6 -- Two PRC (Xiao Tang Guo, Zhong Qing)
Lorong 16 House 8 -- Nine PRC (Jing Jing, Jia Jia, Wa Wa, bei Bei, Jiao Jiao, Bing Bing, Yue Yue, Duo Duo, Ouyang)
Lorong 16 House 10 -- xx PRC (KiKi, Xin Yu, x)
Lorong 16 House 12 -- xx PRC (Apple, Michelle, Coco, Bobo, Xiao Man)
Lorong 16 House 54a (lvl2) & Lorong 16 House 58b (lvl3) -- Nine PRC (Yang Yang, Ping Ping, Xiao Qiao, Lulu, Selina, Baobao, Nana, Xiao Xiao)
Lorong 16 House 58a (lvl2) -- Two PRC (Xiao Qiao, Ruyi)
Lorong 16 House 69 -- Nine PRC (Lu Lu, Nana, QiQi, YueYue, Ye zi, Xiaoqin, Mixue, Bao Er, Fan Fan)
Lorong 18 House 20 -- Six PRC (Apple, Yingzi, Lambo, Ferrair, Porsche, Taozi)
Lorong 20 House 33 -- Seven PRC (Jiu Jiu aka 九九, Qi QI aka 七七,Xiao Pingguo, Xiao LaJiao, Zou Zou, Yan Yan, Yuo Yuo)
Lorong 20 House 41 -- PRC (Xiao Mei, Fang Fang, Ting Ting, lili, Xiao Nan, Si Bao, Bing Bing, xiao zhao, xiao bei, Xiao Pan)
Lorong 20 House 45 -- Five PRC (Ruo Ruo, Duo Duo, Coco, Ling Ling, YouYou)
Lorong 20 House 58 -- Three PRC (Daisy, Xiao S, Amy)
Westerhout House 4 -- Four PRC (Zhen Zhen, Xia Tian, Jia Jia, Le Le)
Westerhout House 12 -- xx PRC (Xiao Yu, Xiao Tao, xx)
Westerhout House 15 -- Five PRC (Anna, Xing Xing, Xiao Xiao, xx, xx)
Westerhout House 17 -- Seven PRC (Qiqi, SiSi, KeKe, Wei Wei, San San, Yi Yi, Xiao Xiao)

Lorong 14 House 31 --$110 for 30 minutes one shot, $200 for 1 hour one shot (67441295 or 6747 5731)
Lorong 16 House 6 – $200 for 60 minutes, one shot (6741-9691) (Accepts Paynow/Paylah to OKT Ah Yap)
Lorong 16 House 8 – $100 for 30 minutes, one shot, $200 for 1 hour, one shot (67417226) (Accepts Paynow/Paylah to OKT Eric)
Lorong 16 House 12 --$200 for 1 hour, one shot (Accepts Paynow/Paylah to OKT Tommy)
Lorong 16 House 54a (lvl2) -- $200 for 1 hour, one shot (6744-9916)
Lorong 16 House 58a (lvl2) --$100 for 30 minutes one shot, $150 for 45 minutes, one shot, $200 for 1 hour, one shot (67441572) (Accepts Paynow/Paylah to OKT BOTAK)
Lorong 16 House 58b (lvl3) -- $200 for 1 hour, one shot
Lorong 16 House 69 --$80 for 30 minutes, one shot, $150 for 1 hour, one shot (68446236) (Accepts Paynow/Paylah to OKT lady boss)
Lorong 18 House 20 -- $200 for 1 hour, one shot (67461181) (Accepts Paynow/Paylah to OKT Peter)
Lorong 20 House 33 -- $100 for 30 minutes one shot, $200 for 1 hour one (Accepts Paynow/Paylah)
Lorong 20 House 41 -- $100 for 30 minutes one shot, $200 for 1 hour one shot (Accepts Paynow/Paylah to OKT Derrick)
Lorong 20 House 45 -- $100 for 30 minutes one shot, $150 for 45 minutes one shot, $200 for 1 hour one shot (66044987) (Accepts Paynow/Paylah to OKT Da Tou)
Lorong 20 House 58 --$150 for 45 minutes, one shot, $200 for 1 hour, one shot (6841-3683)
Westerhout House 4 --$150 for 45 minutes, one shot, $200 for 1 hour, one shot (6744-1212)
Westerhout House 12 --$100 for 30 minutes one shot, $200 for 1 hour, one shot (6744-1212)
Westerhout House 15 -- $80 for 30 minutes one shot, $160 for 1 hour one shot
Westerhout House 17 -- $100 for 30 minutes one shot (6744-1818)

Bros FR summary

Lorong 14 House 31
Si qi 思琪
C Cup Natural Soft
Pao pao 泡泡
C Cup Natural Soft
Ke ke 可可
B cup natural soft. tight pussy
Xiao xiao 笑笑
Xiao mi 小米
Dong dong 冬冬
Duo duo 多多
Bei Bei
D cup natural, slutty, MILF, DFK, hardworking, good attitude, a bit bak bak

Lorong 16 House 6 ($160 for 45 minutes session available)
Xiao Tang Guo
cute face, about 1.55m, 34C cup, cutie pie, pink nipples, TVB Yoyo Chen Lookalike
Zhong Qing
Enhanced boobs

Lorong 16 House 8
Jing Jing
C cup with suckable portruding nipple, quite fair skin, small eyes, mole on nose, petite small size slim, TIGHT pussy
Jia Jia
small size girl, fair, girl next door, 2 tattoos on her body. Full body cat bath, accommodation to positions, cow girl pump you fast
Wa Wa
Surgically-augmented C cup with pale pink nips, fair skin, BBBJ and AR, DFK
Bei Bei
Rare Hokkien MILF, Natural 38C copper with pencil easer nipples…nice to suck, french like long lost lovers really nice DFK, pussy grip on my little brother pussy grinding
Jiao Jiao
C cup natural small beige nipples, nice DFK with soft lips, deep throat BBBJ in shower and on bed but hold your fire, soft spoken, fair skin, pussy grinding
Bing Bing
Yue Yue
Looked early 30s up close, chatty not talkative, B size but a little on the saggy side
Duo Duo
Enhance B/C breast with eraser tip nip, Very slim body with slim arms and legs, very good Catbath foreplay
coloured acne scars on her back and dimpled acne scars on the face

Lorong 16 House 10
Big melons weighing down, BJ with plastic sheet on
Xin Yu
C cup a little sag, cute, BJ with plastic sheet on

lorong 16 house 12
B-C natural, 1.68m, quiite chio and sultry, allow frenching and painting
38C cup, 1.68m, Curvy but not fat, fair complexion, DFK, BBBJ, allows painting of pussy
34B cup, Bushy pussy, BBBJ, breathless moans
Curvy, DFK
Xiao Man

Lorong 16 House 54a (lvl2) & Lorong 16 House 58b (lvl3)
Yang Yang
Enhanced Cs, unshaved, pre-milf looks, very good AR BBBJ service,
Ping Ping
B cup with pale brown nipples, DFK, nice shower routine, deep throat BBBJ, tight pussy
Natural A/B, Catbathh and AR, model height, big ass
Bao Bao
enhanced C cup, accomodating to positions, good service
Tall. Frenching, Very good BBBJ, nice AR
34C, deep throat BBBJ
D cup pink nipples, Fair skin, she is quite talkative and can joke around, deep throated BBBJ
Xiao Xiao
5.5/10 looks, service oriented, DFK, AR, BBBJ

lorong 16 house 58a (lvl 2) soappy body rubba on bed available for 1 hour session ($150 for 45 minutes session available)
Xiao Qiao
C cup natural tender juicy breasts, fair skin, 1.7m, Korean look, sensual mistress feeling, deep suction BBBJ, tongue penetrating AR
natural C cup, very GFE Girl next door, BBBJ, very friendly and magnetic, pussy grinding

lorong 16 house 69
Lu Lu
Angpai, C cup, perky butt, pretty, stereo sound moans, good suction BBBJ
B cup, a bit meaty
Yue Yue
B cup, curvy huge bottom, very woman feel
Qi Qi
Slender, fair skin
c cup, eraser long nipple
c cup, big boned
c cup, big boned
bao er
A cup, petite size, tanned
fan fan
plump side

lorong 18 house 20
Fair, C cup Nipples pink n small, SYT
C cup, small pink nipples, about 1.65m, mixed Chinese-Japanese
B cup, about 1.7m
B cup, about 1.7m, vampy slut, pussy rub and DFK, seductress
C cup, about 1.75m tall, DFK, BBBJ
C cup, DFK, BBBJ

lorong 20 house 33
Xiao Ping Guo
enhanced C boobs with pale brown nips, surgical scars at under boob, small bush below with dark pussy lips, very friendly and chatty. Looks slim, quite pretty. No AR, Pussy not that tight, can tell/feel high mileage, got the rushing attitude during FJ
Zou Zou
not slim, slightly meaty, head twisting BBBJ
Ke Le
C Cup enhanced, a bit chubby, Good attitude, provide back massage and cat bath with warm water, DFK, accomodate to various positions
Jiu Jiu
Qi Qi
cute looking, about 1.6m, soft big A cup boobs, nice butt with a little tummy fats, BBBJ
Xiao La Jiao
natural big C / small D cup. Nice pink nipples, allows zhut zhut, BBBJ
Yan Yan
You You

lorong 20 house 41 soappy body rubba in shower room available for 1 hour session
Xiao Mei
B+ Boobs, nipple areola normal size normal colour, 1.65m tall, exotic Guizhou minority look, BBBJ, does not allow kissing of tits, Not Shaven, No KY lube usage, normal moaning sounds, got a bit the rushing attitude during FJ, slim meaty body type, 1.68cm+, got small tattoos. nice buttocks shape, Vagina mileage high
Ting Ting
Fang Fang
B Cup
good toned physique, fair skin, firm ass, enhanced C cup
Xiao Nan
Si Bao
GND look, relatively green, B Cup with nice nips, not shaved. Only does 1 hour service
Bing Bing
overall a sultry ice queen, enjoy sex and can take quite a good amount of ramming, Silm gal, quite fair and cute, huge tatoo on her back, bbbj , no AR, FJ as per normal
Xiao Zhao
grabable breast, fair, GND look, 158 to 16++cm tall, massage, bbbj, no AR, willling to accomodate to your position during FJ
Xiao Bei
网红 look, breast look fake, use her breast, ass and pusssy to rub you during waterbed, perform cat bath, simuate you, give u a great bbbj, she willl lick your ball and turn her tongue round and round on your ball
Xiao Pan
A cup, probably over 30yrs, small chest pretty face, service is quite mechanical. She only offers a very light French kiss and fake moaning

Lorong 20 House 45
Ruo Ruo
A cup, pre-milf, AR, good service, slim and horny, BBBJ take in whole dick, catbath slurp and suck whole body
Duo Duo
C cup, fair skin, very friendly, a bit meaty with tattoo on shoulder, BBBJ
B cup, can withstand hard pounding, BBBJ nice suction
Petite size, B Cup, AR, BBBJ
Ling Ling
D cup, from Inner Mongolia, mixed blood look, fair skin, DFK

lorong 20 house 58 ($150 for 45 minutes session available)
Bei Bei aka Daisy
soft real B, No rush patience, unique beauty look , chatty
Xiao S

Westerhout House 4 ($150 for 45 minutes session available)
Zhen Zhen
Erotic, A cup, MILF above 30, makeup a bit thick, around 1.6m, some sugar rolls on tummy, AR, good service and attitude, average looks and body, pussy a bit loose, hardworking rider
Xia Tian
about 1.72m, C cup, BBBJ, womanly feel
Jia Jia
A cup, looks like Japanese pornstar with her stereo moans, AR, BBBJ, sex oriented slut, long silky hair
Le Le
C cup natural nice for grab and suck, fair skin, good breast fuck and hardworking BBBJ

Westerhout House 12 soappy body rubba inflatable bed available for 1 hour session
Xiao Yu
Xiao Tao

Westerhout House 15
good MILF look, saggy B cup, tattoo on belly, BBBJ with short AR
Xing Xing
meaty with tummy, natural A/b cup, lots of dirty talk during FJ, mistress feel
Xiao Xiao
Cute and Bubbly, about 1.5m, C soft cup not saggy, Nice BBBJ and AR, DFK

Westerhout House 17
C cup, tanned, pretty face
B cup natural with pink nipples, fair and tall (168 to 172cm), got that type of model look. AR, BBBJ, hole a bit loose. can take heavy pounding.
B cup, allow kisses but doesn't like to tongue, BBBJ, AR, allows painting
Wei Wei
San San
B cup, kiss but no french, bbbj quite solid and friendly
Yi Yi
enhanced C-ish cups, Pleasant looking syt, never gave birth before, long nipples, able to lick her nipples
Xiao Xiao

Enjoy fucking, Bros. Any updates and FR, pls help post and I can update this list

Last edited by bullterrier; 17-02-2024 at 06:36 PM.
Old 17-02-2024, 10:55 PM
naan1974 naan1974 is offline
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by HalimahYakult View Post
Can't find companionship and heart in GL though
Indeed, can buy campanionship and heart in GL
but cannot find them in GL
Old 18-02-2024, 09:41 PM
bullterrier bullterrier is offline
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by naan1974 View Post
Indeed, can buy campanionship and heart in GL
but cannot find them in GL
with Vit M, you can buy companionship in Geylang
Old 18-02-2024, 10:04 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

i think 2058 no longer open..
Old 18-02-2024, 10:49 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by bullterrier View Post
with Vit M, you can buy companionship in Geylang
I've seen those who splurge also can't buy true companionship.. Needless to say those who not willing to splurge and complain alot are even worse position..
Not into and no time for the pts exchange game so please don't up me and expect a return really no time.
Old 19-02-2024, 01:31 AM
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Tried 1669 lulu, got a bit of attitude (cool girl kind) but manage to break the ice. Her service performance is top notch, the vacuum dyson suction power is not joking. Its challenging for me to have her as my first blood in G area, scare cnt find the same quality later on ,is there any SYT girl can provide the similar service?

Saw 1669 Yezi there, look quite chio but cnt find any review here. Any bro can pm or reply here for her review?

Can also help list out if theres any chio syt within area G? So far only saw ppl saying 1820 Apple, will find a day to try out. Thanks!
Old 20-02-2024, 11:15 AM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by irfrree View Post
i think 2058 no longer open..
Is it confirm close already?
Old 20-02-2024, 01:22 PM
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Re: Update: PRC Gals in Geylang

Originally Posted by irfrree View Post
i think 2058 no longer open..
Still Open lah.
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